Tuesday, September 6, 2011

In the beginning... or is it the end? Or the End of the Beginning of the End?

So, I've tried blogging with Myspace.  I've tried blogging with Facebook.  I've tried blogging with Yahoo.  Epic Fails... all of them.  I live so many places, so far away from my true, long time friends... it's hard to keep in contact with all of them.  Facebook has made it easier to stalk them by far, but facebook can only do so much. Pictures are worth a thousand words, but facebook only lets me have a hundred or so words to tell the complete story! I can't call each of them on a daily basis and update them on my *sarcastic* EXCITING adventures here in South Dakota.  Talk about long distance charges up the hiney.  (Yes, yes, I have a LAND LINE here in the wonderful northern countryside)  So here I go to those who are interested!

Here I am.  In the small town of Philip, SD.  In a comfy, not so well put together three story, five bedroom house. (See Picture)  I have just become certified as a Nursing Assistant in the local Hospital/Nursing Home.  So far, I'm loving my job.  I get paid a decent amount, and with the lower housing costs here in the country, I am getting myself slowly financially stable again.  Brandon (6 years old) has started first grade, and Sarah (4 years old) starts kindergarten next year.  They have adapted well to the new scenery, and love the independence that living in a small country town gives them.

I tried doing the home child care thing to supplement my salary with the nursing home, but as the nursing home gave me more graveyard hours, I soon figured out that I could not keep up with all the children on a no sleep kind of schedule.  I X'ed that plan out fast.  Now, I am working 40+ hours just at the nursing home.  It's an amazing experience.  If only more of the CNA's that worked there didn't complain so much, I think they would have as much fun as I am having....

To be Continued....

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